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Rank: 1

发表于 2013-7-3 23:57 |只看该作者

Whistleblower welcome in China[1] chinadaily.com.c

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First of all, Snowden's case offers us a rare chance to reexamine the integrity of American politicians and the management of American-dominant Internet companies, and it appears that while many of these individuals verbally attack other nations and people in the name of freedom and democracy, they ignore America's worsening internal situation. In an eloquent speech on Internet freedom, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that if Internet companies can't act as "responsible stewards of their own personal information," then they would lose customers and their survival would be threatened. In the same speech, she also urged U.S. media companies to take a proactive role in challenging foreign governments' demands for censorship and surveillance.
Last week, a bright idealistic young man named Edward Snowden almost single-handedly opened the lid on the U.S. National Security Agency's PRISM program,sport, a program which marks the bleakest moment yet in the history of the Internet due to its scope, exact country of origin and implications.

Clinton was certainly under the impression that her own government was above reproach on these matters, when every piece of evidence, whether in hindsight or not, suggests the opposite. We must also remember that Clinton's Internet freedom speech was addressing Google's grand withdrawal from China; so,air max 95, following the logical thread of her speech, it is surely now time for Google to take responsibility for leaking data and information to the NSA and withdraw from the U.S. market. David Drummond, Google's senior vice president and chief legal officer,levis jeans, justified Google's withdrawal from China by citing state "surveillance" and the "fact" that the Gmail accounts of dozens of human rights activists were being "routinely accessed by third parties". If Google wants to be consistent with its past pronouncements, the PRISM program gives the Internet giant much more cause for action.
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As the case unfolds, there are many things to worry about. How do we make sense of the fact that the market and the state colluded in the abuse of private information via what represents the backbone of many modern day infrastructures? How do we rationalize the character of Snowden and his fellow whistleblowers? How do we understand the one-sided cyber attack accusations the U.S. has poured upon China in the past few months? To what degree have foreign users of these Internet services fallen victim to this project? Among all these suspicions, let us clarify two types of American personality.

[By Gou Ben/China,china food.org.cn]

In terms of scope, major transnational service providers ranging from Google to Apple are involved in allowing the NSA to access their customers' data for the purposes of "surveillance." Nearly all types of services ranging from email to VoIP have come within the program's scope and it originates in a country which dominates the world's Internet resources – a fact which is acknowledged in the information leaked by Snowden clearly states: "Much of the world's communications flow through the U.S." and the information is accessible. The case indicates that through outsourcing and contracting, Big Brother is breaching the fundamental rights of citizens by getting unfettered access to their most personal communications.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2013-7-4 02:23 |只看该作者
东方网记者唐漪薇6月26日报道:据央视直播信息,上午8:07时许,神十”返回舱顺利着陆地面主着陆场,据担任直播解说的航天员刘旺解释称,目前,航天员在等待地面人员来到返回舱接应的期间,还要做许多程序上的准备工作,其中包括汇报一系列数据等。不过刘旺也表示,201388888,若感到身体适应、姿态良好的话,航天员也可以自行打开舱门。阳光电池, www.bdexide.com,YNN,
目前可见身着不同颜色衣服、分工不同的搜救人员已经来到了返回舱身边,菲律宾太阳城, www.new998sun.com,刘旺表示,北京办学位证, www.onemetersunshine.com,此时三位在舱内的航天员已经可以听见舱外同事的说话声。目前将进行一些例行检查工作,包括放射性源的精度测量等。
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Rank: 4

发表于 2013-7-11 01:14 |只看该作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2013-7-24 02:32 |只看该作者
在该MV中,201388888,去年底因一张年会照片而走红的 度娘 刘冬此次担任陈楚生最新MV的女主角,而这也是刘冬蹿红网络后的荧屏首秀,更是陈楚生出道以来首次在MV中启用的女主角。在这只MV中,奢品招商网, www.spzswang.com,刘冬饰演陈楚生的初恋女友,并以陈楚生对其念念不忘的形象贯穿整支MV。刘冬一身纯白长裙,高高扎起的马尾辫,十足九十年代清纯女学生的造型,一改其之前性感的形象,而不同装扮不同风格的 度娘 ,也让人眼前一亮。据悉MV在3月份便拍摄完成,信托公司, www.trustores.cn,当时北京的天气仍很寒冷,拍摄时所有工作人员都穿着冬衣,刘冬则只穿了一件单薄的连衣裙连续拍摄了数小时,其中还拍摄了被风狂吹等寒冷镜头,http://www.yfpzk.com,
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